Okay! I suppose several people has a pet or more. And some of the pet owners have an epic story of their pet. Now I'm going to Share to you about my pet cat, Oren.
Why is he called Oren? Simple. Look at the photo at side. Obviously because of its colour. He was an unknown bred because at my home place the cat was neither oriental nor persian. But it has a mackerel tabby coat. Almost common pattern coat for every cats at this area.
Try to guess how old is this cat? He is turning to 9 this year! What an old chap ya? For an asian cat, he is quite old. In fact, its amazing for him to live this long, after suffers near death situations more than 5 times. I suppose that the phrase "a cat has 9 lives" is true.
Let me tell you about his great life and ordeals. First, he was a stray cat. Still a kitten. He has a funny voice. Maybe due to lack of water. Kinda rockish for a kitten around 2-3 months. At first when he came to my house in the beginning of 2003, my family and I kind off didn't accept him because he loves to take cat food at for others. Later on, I suggests to my family to keep him since he was very nice to people. He has a very high determination for being scram away before and keep coming back. Respect him lol. So I have my 'own' cat and i fed him to become very fat. In the beginning of 2004, he was nearly 1 year old and his mass was unbeleivable for a cat at that age which is nearly 6 kilo!!! Yes, he is fat until he has his own food container because all he does is play, cared by people, and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat!!! Such a big appetite, a glutton!
In the second month of 2004, Oren was missing for two days. That puts a big question mark on my family and I because Oren never leaves the home. But, one day, I came back from school, I saw Oren. That is not all. Something was wrong because I founded him in the drain in front of my home. He seemed weak. Real weak. Quickly I called my mother because she was home as well. I brought Oren back to home for further check. His body was weird. his nose, ears, mouth and tongue was all yellow! Ain't it supposed to be red? Even his green eyes turned yellow! Without wasting any time, my mom took him to Dr Louise, the vet in Subang Jaya. Doc said he had a jaundice (Demam Kuning in Malay). For further information of jaundice, view http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaundice. Doc gave him a shot of antibiotic and he said his chance was 50% which means either he survive or die. The way he says as if he didn't have a chance. He even charges the shot of injection for only RM5!!! Too cheap man. Same routine was repeated for a week and a miracle happened! Oren, who was not eating for nearly a week, getting a bit anorexic look suddenly became stronger and start eating food! Doc was surprised to hear the news and he concluded that the cat was really strong. One of the reason for him to survive is because he is fat. Haha. He said that! So he survived the first and one of the greatest ordeals in his life
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